Who Am I?
My name is Angelique Herrera (Ange for short please!). I am 22 years old and a member of Wycliffe Bible Translators. I am on a journey to Papua New Guinea to help with language related tasks such as Bible translation, linguistic research, literacy development and scripture use.
I first got interested in Wycliffe and Bible translation when another Wycliffe missionary came to my church. I couldn't listen to him because I was doing children's church in the back, but after church I saw his table display. There was a Plexiglas case of huge exotic bugs that were so cool! Seriously, they were all different colors and sizes, really awesome, I don't have a picture though :(. I found out that he worked for an organization that worked with indigenous languages around the world, another thing I was interested in. It seemed just perfect.
So when I went to college (this all happened when I was a senior in high school and wondering what I was going to study) I became a Linguistics major with this in mind. But I really struggled with the idea of working in missions (mostly because we aren't paid and I didn’t see how I was ever going to be able to raise support). I looked at lots of other options, LOTS and LOTS, anything to do with languages, FBI, CIA, teaching English, etc. I still wanted the adventure too though, so I decided I would join the Peacecorp for that experience. But nothing seemed right, I wasn't happy with these options and knew I wouldn't be happy in the future either. So finally I just gave up on these and submitted to what God wanted for me, which of course turned out to be what I wanted for me too (funny how God knows what's best for you huh?)
So here I am! :D
What will I do?
I will be working with a two year program called ServeInPNG (click the logo to take you to the webpage). This is why I named the blog Serve in PNG! It is designed to let me serve in multiple ways and find out how God would like the use me long term.
Language Program Interns (my official title) are essential to the process of Bible translation. We help on multiple assignments to make them go faster. Without us, a full time translator might have to push aside his work in giving the Word of God to people who have never had it, making them wait even longer, to train a national translator, enter translated scripture into a computer, or develop a dictionary for the language. I can do all these things and help get the Word to people who have never had it faster!