Today was really busy! We had our first official hike to lots of different villages over on the mountain. The language area we are in is called Nobnob (pronounced Nob o nob). On the other side of the mountain is a different language (I don’t remember what that’s called, but we go to the translator’s house for that group in another hike later). The trails are so narrow you have to walk single file and some places are so steep you have to go up on all fours or sort of slide down on your bum. It would be nice to have a stick :D
That was about 2 hours. After that we had lunch and went to town on a longer shopping trip. I bought 2 “merry blouses” which are these nice light cotton loose airy shirts that are perfect for the weather here. They have them in all sorts of colors and patterns (matching isn’t a priority). The sleeveless ones are super nice and comfy. They come in a few different styles, some are short (to the mid thigh) and some are long (to the knee), some are sleeveless like mine, some have loose or butterfly sleeves and others have these really poofy sleeves. The poofy ones are the ones the national women wear to church. I might buy one to wear to church when I start going to the national churches. Then on the bottom they either wear skirts to at least the knee or “lap laps” which are kind of like a sarong. It’s a long piece of fabric that you wrap around your waist like a skirt. They aren’t the most comfy of clothes though (for me at least). I bought a really nice one from a lady who hand painted hers. She was super nice and showed us how to wear them and put up with my one days knowledge of Tok Pisin ^_^
Saturday, January 29, 2011

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