We started to build our “haus kuk”s (like outdoor kitchens) today. You can see the structure in the picture. There are no nails at all, its all twine (well, ours is plastic twine, the demonstration one done by the nationals was made of real twine found in the jungle). I GOT TO USE A MACHETE (we call it a bush knife ^_^) I tried to cut some pieces of wood, but Im not that good yet (the workmen can do it in like 3 strikes!) We got it eventually though. Then we stuck the big pieces in the ground and made the structure. We tied the tarp down and prayed it wouldn’t fall over! Tomorrow we are making the benches and tables and whatever else to make it fun! :D :D :D
Friday, February 4, 2011

I've been using the same machete continuously for almost 25 years. I've never sharpened it and yet it could probably cut paper. Have fun chopping and whacking!
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