Hey sorry for the long time no hear!!! Please keep in mind though that I’m in PNG and not America where you can just open your computer anywhere or play with your Ipod or Kindle even and find surf the web. The internet is not the greatest here! :D This picture is actually of our little internet stick thingy. It’s a USB wireless thing that you put money on (kind of like a calling card..yes…you have to pay for every Mb you use). It detects a signal from town (like a cell phone I guess) and that’s how the internet works. UNforntunately we are not in town, so sometimes we can’t find the signal, or the signal is just down. We have power outages at least once a day too, so some things don’t come back as fast. And there is only one stick for all the students (40ish) here. So please, if I don’t answer emails the next day, or miss a few days on my blog and have to upload 5 days in one, please be patient! At least I have internet! I thought I was coming and being incognito for 14 weeks until I went to Ukarumpa. ^_^
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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