This blog is about my experience with the Serve in PNG program with Wycliffe Bible Translators. To find out more about Serve in PNG click here for the official website. ^_^

Thursday, June 30, 2011


We came into town today.  It was probably the worst car ride I've ever been on.  If you've ever been to Disney World and know the Star Wars ride (it's a motion simulation ride that jerks you around and stops suddenly…its fun) it was like that, but not fun.  In Disney you are strapped into a padded seat, in PNG you sit curled up in the back of a pickup squished between 20 people.  In Disney it lasts only 2 minutes, in PNG it lasts 6 hours.  In Disney you know the ride is safe, in PNG you go through knee deep mud at 40mph sliding around the whole way, or ford rivers or cross log bridges covered in slippery mud as you look down into the ravine.  I felt like vomiting the whole time, but didn't.  O yeah, and I forgot to say that all of this was from 11pm to 5am….im sleepy


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