This is a really cool moth that looks like a leaf! Sorry, it has nothing to do with the post, but it was super cool. (and I couldn’t get a picture of my wasfamili)
Anyways, today we met our wasfamilis (wasfamili literally mean watch family). They are the people who will be caring for us in the village when we do our first village visit (Next Thursday), and village overnight stays. The people doing the six week course (not me) will be having the family they met today as their host for the village living phase. People doing the longer course are having a different family in a village farther away. It was kind of awkward to meet them because I don’t know much Tok Pisin, but it was fun at the same time. Our waspapa and wasmama brought their 3 kids, nephew (who they consider a son I think) and the wasmama’s brother, so 6 people total. We had food and talked (tried to talk) and played uno. I brought my camera with me but forgot to get a picture of them. :( But that’s ok, next week we are going to their house, so I will take lots :D
Thursday, February 10, 2011

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