This is a picture of the shower in the dorm area. The bucket is for hot water because there is no hot water coming out of the shower head like in the US. There is a shower head but you can’t really see it because it’s behind the bucket, but it’s there and it’s always cold water. The temperature depends on the temperature outside, so if it’s rainy all day, like today, it’s really cold, but if it’s hot and sunny all day it’s kinda nice. Anyways, there is a water tank above a fire place behind the bathroom, and if you want hot water, you just light the fire (it’s lit twice a day or you can light it if you want a shower at a random time or if the fire goes out) and wait a little while. The hot water is pumped to a spigot in the bathroom and you put a bucket under that then pour out all that water into the shower bucket. The shower bucket has a little shower head on the bottom that you turn if you want to release the water or close it. It’s actually a good bit of water. You normally can’t wash your hair in one bucket (especially if it’s long), but it’s good for a regular shower. I’m too lazy so I always take a cold shower except for today because it was rainy and overcast all day and the water was freezing :)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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