The first is a picture of making a basket out of a coconut palm frond. The second is a weaved thing they use as blinds or the inside walls of their houses, made from part of the sago palm trees. The last is a basket made for cooking rice. You fill these half way with rice and put them in boiling water and the rice comes out perfect! SO YUMMY TOO!
I don’t think I can properly describe today without lots of pictures. Some of the local people came by the show us how to make the things they normally make, like mats and bags and stuff. These people are so creative and innovative with how they use the nature and their surroundings to their advantage without killing others or the environment. (And we with all our technology and education can’t get find peace with others or keep our air clean!) They are so strong too! I’m having doubts that I can climb up the mountain without dying, let alone doing it with my groceries! And they do it every day like its nothing! Some kids walk 3 hours to school and back, up and down the mountain trails. They are simply incredible people. I can’t wait to get to know them more and live with them in their villages!
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Boy do I remember these days! It was very similar living in Malaysia and elsewhere in the Southeast Asia area. Thank you so much for sharing.
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