This is the sign to enter POC. I've never been so happy to see this sign before!
I am sooooOOOOo EXHAUSTED!!! Today was really hard, but I feel so happy! In the morning we went to town with our Tok Pisin teachers and a list of things to buy for the kitchen. We had to use our Tok Pisin in the market to find all the things and how much they cost. Our group had to buy green onions, brown onions, kawawa(ginger), bata(avocado), suga(sugar cane), carrots, corn, pitpit(this isn’t in the states, its hard to describe, but it’s a starchy veggie that looks like corn on the outside and potato on the inside?). It was fun, but sooo sunny and hot. Our dyna was down so we all squeezed into the back of 3 pick-up trucks (Toyota Hilux-don’t think they have those in the states either). But it was fun!
Then we went on a big hike in the afternoon. We walked all the way down the mountain to a fish cannery. POC is about 1500 feet high, and it was a long winding twisting up and down road. We only had to walk down, which was pretty hard. I used flipflops because the hiking shoes I have hurt my feet. After we got to the bottom we had the option to walk back up. When I said I wanted to walk back up everyone laughed (seriously, they laughed and were like “what?! Ange’s walking back up?!” :( dislike!) But I didn’t care, I did it anyways. We started as a group but I stopped after like 3 feet and had someone fix my shoes for me and realized afterwards that I was like 100ft behind everyone! I wanted to run to catch up, but I knew I would die on the way up then. So I walked slow and eventually met some stragglers a few minutes later. We were the slow group but we made it all the way up! GO UNDERDOGS! Too bad I didn't have my camera with me though. As soon as we got to the top and saw the center there was a big rainbow waiting for us!
Monday, February 7, 2011

I knew it would be hot there, but I know that you'll get used to it and the heat won't bother you a bit when you discover your first undiscovered bug and they name it after you! I miss you!
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