This weekend is “boil water weekend” where we have to somehow purify all our drinking water by ourselves. Usually we just drink rain water that is collected from our tin roofs and gutter system into these big tanks (in the red circles in the picture). It’s perfectly safe; I’ve never gotten sick from it at all. But this weekend we had to get water from the other taps that is river water or collect our own rain water. We collected quite a bit at night, but not enough to get through the day, so I just boiled a bunch of other water when I made my tea in the morning. You can also purify water by adding a bit of bleach and letting it sit for 30 minutes, using “aqua tabs” which are really expensive to use long term but good if you need clean water in a pinch (like on a hike for something). Some people have water filters or iodine too. I just boiled it (the cheapest way ^_^). I didn’t get sick! So I did something right, but I have also used the river water to wash dishes and stuff without purifying it and I was fine.
Saturday, February 26, 2011

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