This blog is about my experience with the Serve in PNG program with Wycliffe Bible Translators. To find out more about Serve in PNG click here for the official website. ^_^

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Today we went to town to the big market to sell food. When we got off the PMV everyone thought it was the best thing that two white women were going to sell garden vegetables in the market with them. We set up our place near the fence (we don’t get a choice) and then everyone came to the fence and stared at us, saying “There’s two white women selling in the market!” They loved coming and asking us how much the things were and seeing if we would answer them in Tok Pisin, and when we did they were really happy (even if they didn’t buy stuff) Its hard to sell stuff in the market when everyone around you is selling the exact same thing. But I sold all the pit pit, all the little cooking bananas (bananas you cook instead of eating raw…not sweet, kinda like a plantain but less sweet?) and all the coconuts. :D YAY! It was fun. Then we went home and dyed our skirts because we bought the dye at the market.


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