This is a picture of a mumut. They say the English name is Bendegut, but Ive never heard of that before. It’s a giant bush rat basically. Very cute. But they eat it. And its taste is not cute. Its so strong and has a bad smell (at least I think it does, my roommate thought it was ok). It was not pleasant to eat. But they really like it. Their jungle has been cut down a lot by a logging company, so the huge huge trees are all gone, the trees that were the homes of all the animals they used to eat, like wild pigs, birds, (theres a giant one called a Muruk that lays an egg the size of an ostrich egg!). But all these are gone now, and all the rivers are polluted so fish are all dead. This mumut, bush rat, is one of the only things they can get if they don’t want to kill their own pigs and chickens (which are mostly used for bride prices).
Monday, April 18, 2011

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