Our Wasmama is still sick and has been for a long time. He knees are swollen and she can hardly walk and she’s lost a ton of weight (PNG women are considered beautiful if they are fat). She has tried going to the doctors, but they don’t have medicine, and she doesn’t want to go to the hospital because its too far away and shes afraid of needles and stuff. So today they had a local village “doctor” come. The doctor ordered them to have a pig killed, cooked in special sauce and herbs and things (one was ginger that I tasted). Then he said some words over it (not as in a prayer) and gave it to her. They said in three days she should be better. I didn’t see the actual ceremony, only the pig killing, which makes me never want to eat pork again by the way….The screaming is still in my head
Saturday, April 16, 2011

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