Today we went to another singsing and got decorated to the exteme! They use a seed that has some red squishy stuff inside and mix it with coconut grease to make a paint to paint themselves red. They said they were only going to put a little on us, but I didn’t know that what they actually meant by that was it only takes a little bit of paint to turn you all red because you have white skin. They painted every inch of my face, arms and legs red! We got to wear our grass skirts and our headdresses and armbands today too! They gave us necklaces and perfume leaves too. Then they wanted us to take our shirts off (because they just go around topless, its nothing to them) But I said no and they put a bilum on me to cover my shirt as another decoration! AHAHHA! It was fun, but I didn’t want to actually singsing and dance because the red sweat would have ruined the bilum :D
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

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