When we first got to the village there were 4 puppies, but they gave 2 away. Now the two left have become my friends and the village people don’t beat them as much because they know I don’t like it when they do. I gave them names, one is cheeto because he has a curly tail and the other is El Calcetine (which means sock in Spanish) because he has a white paw (and they like asking me words in Spanish for some reason). Anyways, they are the mangiest, scraggliest, skinniest, flea ridden little things you’ve ever seen (which makes me like them even more). So today I decided to give them a bath in the river (since they follow me every where I go after I gave them my Mumut in secret) . It was fun and now they are clean and I can pet them with my fingers instead of rubbing their ears with a stick ^_^
Monday, April 25, 2011

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